TOR vs. Brave: Which Browser Is More Private In 2022?
It’s only been within the last few years that people have begun paying attention to how much their web browsers track what they do.
Whether it’s a recommended product on Facebook based on your Google search history, an overly personal advertisement, or another privacy intrusion, more people than ever are abandoning Chrome 그리고 향하는 its rivals 대신.
Two of the most popular and privacy-centric alternatives are Tor and Brave. However, though both do a much better job of keeping your data to yourself than Chrome, they do have some 중요한 차이.
In this article, let’s dive into Brave vs. Tor to help you pick the best one for your internet needs.
An Essential Tip Before We Dive In
Regardless of whether you use TOR or Brave, they both are not 100% private and anonymous. While they do a much better job, it is still possible to track your IP address with Brave.
Likewise, in some places, it is illegal to use TOR. While the authorities may not be able to see exactly what you’re doing, they may be able to detect its TOR connection and take action accordingly.
For that reason, whether you opt for either or both Brave and TOR, you should further enhance your security and privacy by VPN 사용.
A VPN or virtual private network encrypts and masks your IP addresses to enable both of these browsers to deliver on their privacy promises fully.
TOR vs. Brave: How They Work
The most significant difference between TOR and Brave is how they connect to sites 웹에서.
TOR Connection Basics
알다시피, 바위 산 용 스탠드 양파 라우터. With TOR, your internet data is encrypted and then travels through a network of relays operated by volunteers worldwide.
This network of layers is why it’s called an onion. While making your data extremely secure, this process also takes a long time, which is why streaming video or playing games via TOR can be 매우 느린 과정.
동시에, TOR automatically blocks all ads and scripts while deploying NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere, which further enhances security.
How Brave Connects You to The Internet
용감한 works a little differently and more like a conventional browser.
It also blocks all ads, request, and third-party cookies, while also using NoScript and HTTPS everywhere. But it doesn’t run your data through multiple layers as TOR does.
결과는 much more private than usual experience, but it doesn’t mean you’re 100% anonymous.
However, this also means that Brave generally 훨씬 더 잘 수행 than Tor.
Fundamentally Different Revenue Model
바위 산 was initially developed by 미 해군 and is now operated by 비영리. Their goal is to ensure a free and open web, especially for people looking to overcome censorship or report government abuses. To support research and development, they rely on donations.
반면에, 미국에서 체류를 연장하고자 이전의 승인을 갱신하려던 Brave is a for-profit company. This isn’t necessarily bad, but they have done a few things that should concern privacy skeptics.
첫째, 그들은 whitelisted domains like Facebook and Twitter for ad-tracking. But they’ve also experimented with alternative revenue models to support content curators and their platform.
이것은 무엇을 의미할까요?
Just compared to Chrome or 운영, Brave is lightyears better. They’re not only transparent but also trying to develop 윈 – 윈 situations for everyone.
For example, they introduced Brave rewards that you can earn by viewing privacy-respecting ads and then redeem for 암호 화폐. It’s different from the old day of getting flooded with ads when you open Internet Explorer.
However, they’ll be the first to tell you that Brave isn’t as private as TOR. In fact, in Brave’s version of private mode, they’ve introduced a “New Private Window with TOR” feature to appease their critics. It’s basically Brave browser with TOR enabled.
The Bottom Line: Brave vs. Tor
Both Brave and TOR represent a bright future for internet users. Mainstream browsers have noticed and have followed suit by integrating more privacy features into their apps.
바위 산 항상 될 것입니다 more private option, especially when used with a VPN. But for most daily activities, 용감한 될거야 much more secure than Chrome or any other mainstream alternative. It will also be a much better experience since it performs much faster than TOR.
Then when you do need additional protection such as using public WiFi, you can use TOR with a VPN enabled. But since both TOR and Brave are free, why choose when you can have both?
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